Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23, 2014 Class

Today we are talking about how do we graduate. She is going through the steps on when it is time to apply for graduation and what the steps we have to take when it is that time. There is also a link on what we need to fill out for applying for graduation. The people will check to make sure that we have met all the requirements before we can graduate. There is also a process after we think that we graduate, that the graduation people will check to make sure that we finish all the requirements and if we don't, then we will receive an email stating what we need to take to fulfill the requirements. She has showed us where the catalog years are so that when we get even closer, she will look it up to check to see if we meet the catalog for our year that we joined the school. She is now showing an example from a student that volunteered to show his academic requirements to show everyone where to look and what to look for.

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